Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Tribute To : Jennifer Hudson

2 hari ini perhatian gue gak bisa lepas dari perkembangan berita Jennifer Hudson yang lagi terkena musibah. Kemarin pagi pas gue mau nyari prakiraan cuaca BMG, di yahoo.com muncul berita yang menyebutkan kalo Ibu Jennifer Hudson: Darnell Donerson dan adik laki-lakinya: Jason Hudson ditemukan tewas secara mengenaskan dirumah keluarga mereka di Chicago. Yang tambah bikin sedih, karena keponakan Jennifer Hudson, Julian King juga menghilang karena diculik. Gak lama setelah kejadian ini, Jennifer Hudson akhirnya mengumumkan kalo dia akan memberikan sejumlah uang... US $ 100 (atau sekitar 1 Miliyar Rupiah) bagi yang membantu keluarganya menemukan Julian...

Please keep praying for our family and that we get Julian King back home safely,” she wrote on her MySpace Celebrity Blog on Sunday, in a letter signed by the Hudson family.
Manusia sih boleh berencana, tapi Tuhan yang menentukan. Pagi ini muncul kabar lagi, yang menyebutkan... kalo Julian sudah ditemukan tidak bernyawa di belakang sebuah mobil Chevrolet, dan lagi-lagi Julian juga ditembak secara mengenaskan. So far, tuduhan pelaku masih mengarah ke mantan kakak ipar Jennifer Hudson (ayah si Julian) yaitu William Balfour.

Satu hal yang pastinya menyedihkan dan gak ada yang mau mengalami hal ini (ketok meja 3 kali deh), dan kasus ini juga mendapat simpati dari beberapa orang, mulai dari Barack Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker yang barengan main di Sex and the City The Movie, Fergie, dan teman-teman seangkatannya di American Idol:

Barack Obama:
Michelle and I were absolutely heartbroken to learn about this unimaginable tragedy, and we want Jennifer and to know that she is in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time,” Senator Obama, who is based in the actress’ native Chicago, said in a statement to Access Hollywood. “We also pray for the swift and safe return of her young nephew.”
The senator has personal experience with the “Dreamgirls” Oscar winner as she sang the National Anthem at the Democratic National Convention, where he was formally named the party’s nominee.

Sarah Jessica Parker:
My heart goes out to her and her family in their time of anguish and grief,” Sarah said in a statement to Access Hollywood on Saturday. “I pray for the safe return of her nephew.”

Queen Latifah:
When we heard the news of Jennifer losing her mother and her brother, our hearts broke for her and we immediately began to pray for her strength and comfort and that of her family, as well as for the safe return of her nephew,” she told Access. “I know the family is devastated and heartbroken and I hope that friends and fans and those who care about her just pray for her and give her all the support that she needs at this moment and for quite a long time to come.”

Its such a sad thing and my heart goes out to Jennifer Hudson right now because you know something tragic that has happened to her, I just feel horrible. Things happen in life and you really have to just stop and really consider whats valuable to you.”

Gue mungkin gak ngikutin Jennifer Hudson mulai dari American Idol, baru ngeh sama dia pas di film Sex and the City aja, pas Dreamgirls gak tau (secara belum nonton), dan baru suka lagunya Spotlight... Tapi gue yakin, kita semua tahu seperti apa rasanya harus kehilangan orang-orang yang kita sayang...

Be tough girl!

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